2018 Scholarship Awards

Morgan Champion – NFHS, with Optimist Roger Dunn, her mother, and Jessica Younghouse (English teacher)

Emmie Scates – NFHS, with Optimist Phill Bettis and Judy Austin (English Dept. Chair)

Ashley Wright – FCHS, with Optimist Harold Mullins and Bill Schuyler (Science teacher)

Dieliza Koraqi and Austin McTier – Lambert HS, with Dr. Charles Hyatt (Language/American Literature teacher), Dieliza’s father, and Optimist Judge Russ McClelland

Katherine Palumbo – Pinecrest Academy, with her mother and father, Dr Ed Lindekugel (Headmaster), and Optimist Jim Klee

Brayden Smith – NFHS, with Roger Pink and Erinne Aponte (World Language teacher)

Kerrington Whitherspoon – WFHS, with Optimist Lee Almy, Mrs. & Mr. Kearny, and Kim Geralds (Language Arts teacher)



Allison Mehler – WFHS, with Lisa Brock (Math teacher), Optimist Howard Shames, and her father

Chloe Sparwath – WFHS, with Optimist John Richards, Nicole Garner (neighbor), and her parents


Alyssa Hooper – FCHS, with Optimist Kathy Perreault and Leila Fondo (Counselor)

Jessica Drewke – FCHS, with Optimist Barbara Yarbrough and Tammi Bramblett (Exec Director Leadership Forsyth)



Bob Wade with Lauren Pugh, Vice President For Institutional Advancement at Lanier Technical College







Front row left to right: Jessica Drewke, Morgan Champion, Emmie Scates, Kerrington Witherspoon, Chloe Sparwath
Back row left to right: Alyssa Hooper, Ashley Wright, Brayden Smith, Dr. Bearden, Allison Mehler, Katherine Palumbo, Dieliza Koraqi, Austin McTier, Lauren Pugh